Monday, 5 November 2007

Grandma McFarlane

My Mum arrived this evening after a 10½ flight from London Heathrow. She met (and identified) Owain and dropped by our home to see Mac and the dogs. Then we went to Aunt Chilada's so Mum could sample some Mexican food.

I'm not sure what's happening tomorrow. We'll probably practice the famous American past-time of 'hanging out'.

Here is a movie from last month. It's rather boring but if you want to know how Owain hiccups, it's pretty informative.


Jay said...

Lovely photo of Grandma with Owain! Very plesased to hear about job success! Is it the Washington with the White House?
Sorry that Owain "played " up for Heather when you were way. He looks gorgeous and I like listening to his hiccups and snuffles. This is my first attempt ever at the world of blogging! I hope it reaches you! Much love Auntie/Great Aunt Jean

John McFarlane said...

Hi Auntie!
Just got back from Lyn's hotel room where she spent the evening cuddling her grandson. Thanks for the poetry book. I shall read from it at bedtime when he's a bit older.
P.S. It's the other Washington, south of British Columbia.

Unknown said...

Hasn't she managed to get hold of the baby (aka Owain) yet?

Unknown said...

I'm just watching the video of 'Rocky' but, like a hyptnotist's pendulum, after about 90 seconds it made me come over a bit Sl.......