Today, Heather phoned me in tears to tell on him. He'd chucked the TiVo remote control at her laptop and broken the screen. I had to sound concerned for the laptop but frankly, it's the remote I feel sorry for. Only yesterday it got its first bath.
Well, the computer's mine to do with as I will now. It's already missing seven keys and the webcam packed in years ago. However, I think it can still serve a useful life as a music player / video phone so I'm going to nurse it back to health. I've plugged it into the TV, downloaded the Ubuntu installation CD and put a copy of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines in its DVD player to cheer it up.
It's two years today since we were married!

It actually seems longer than that, but in a good way.
As a special treat, Heather's friends looked after Owain 'John Connor' McFarlane while we had diner at the local Indian Restaurant.
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