Thank you to everyone who wished Mrs M a happy birthday! Unlike the Queen, she only gets the one but this year, it rested on the day before one of her two Mother's Days. No fair! This year, for a special treat I took her to Macy's and let her look at dinnerware for an hour while I chased boy around the mall.
Here he is letting off steam...
And some very smiley snaps...
Phew! Not easy getting these uploaded as H's computer is on its last legs. It blue-screens almost constantly and Owain has ripped out many keys including the ever-popular 'E' and 'R'.
Today Owain and I met up with Anne and Rosalie and Kristen and Ryanne at the Seattle Aquarium. The kids had a good time, almost as much fun as the moms. I think we all needed an afternoon of fun and distraction. Poor Owie has been under the weather since Monday. I'm not really sure what the illness is, if it indeed is an illness. He does have five new teeth coming in all at once so maybe that is causing all the fussiness, fevers and night waking. Yesterday Owain was so tired he decided to take a third nap of the day on the couch.Last week on Saturday while I was away at the bank doing boring ol' chores the boys were getting up to their usual hijinx, as you can see by this video.
If that message hasn't quite sunk in let me make it perfectly clear, we have another baby on the way! I waited to post about it until I heard the heartbeat which I did today. I am seeing a midwife this time around and I'm finding it a lot less stressful than seeing an OB/Gyn. The new baby is due on Sept 12. More updates as they come.
Hmmm... I waited so long to blog that I know there were some precious "Owain moments" missed and now they are past their prime. I went to Alabama again this year for the Academy Awards (no they are not filmed in Alabama, silly people). This time it was a baby free event. Kristi's husband took her kids for a fun-filled long weekend in Tennesee and I left Owain at home with John. They got along just fine without me, much to my dismay and John didnt have too hard a time of it. Grrrr he was supposed to be all filled with gratitude and respect when I got back. Next time I'll have to go for a whole week.
All right now that this post is FINALLY out of the way Let The Blogging Begin! We will be updating much more often now. We promise!