It was my first Father's Day on Sunday. I got a top and a framed picture of Owain and Me and a card of a donkey with bug eyes that Owain picked out himself. Heather bought a picnic hamper and we took it to the park. Here are our most recent photos.
I've started riding in to work. Last week it was sunny enough that I rode in twice. I'm still using Jim's old bike, yet I've managed to spend a small fortune in the bike shop down the road. Here are some pics from a week or so ago including my BMX Bandit Mad Skillz in a local supermarket car park.
Not enough snaps for you? Try this post on Bethany's blog which have a few pictures of the party. Turned out nice they did.
Finally, the latest, greatest version of my favorite web browser comes out today. Firefox 3.0 is released at 10am Pacific time and aims to set a world record for most downloads in one day. (This seems a little late as most of Tuesday has already happened in most of the world!)
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